

Japanese Terrier - Group III - Terriers, Section 2 - Small sized Terriers.

General Appearance:

Japanese Terrier is the dog that is lively and cheerful, with typically terrier’s character, temperament, sometimes mischievous, playful and agile. Home spirited but despite of that it is calm and friendly. It is clear-cut personality with due confidence, but it has sense of humour. It is a social dog, loyal and charming partner, especially for urban dwellers. According to Japanese this dog lives only make its owner always happy. It is not jealous to children it can play with.


Because it is intelligent, clever and docile, its upbringing is better by a kind of consistency, it is suitable for beginners. They fit into the smallest city apartments and it is very clean. Although it likes to move but its demands on outings they are not exaggerated. Especially in winter, in frost, it cannot stay long out, because it has so short coat threatening hypothermia and frostbite (especially earlobes). For the same reason, but also because character base, it is not possible to keep in an outdoor kennel.

Because it is fast and agile, it could be suitable to be trained in agility. It belongs to the rare breeds. Outside Japan with this breed you can meet only rarely. For its future it would be most beneficial if (mainly in Europe and the USA and Australia) increased interest among lovers of dog shows, where it would be possible to introduce it , more potential candidates.


This is a small, sleek and elegant dog compact body with smooth contoured lines. In any case not be rude or clumsy. The overall appearance resembles “porcelaine figures” which Japanese call - Imari. Height at withers and the length of the body is a 1: 1 format of the body is square.

The head should be elongated when viewed from the front triangle shape called. Well filled (i.e. no holes) under the eyes. Skull is above flat, rather narrow. The frontal slope (stop) will be gradual, but distinct. The muzzle is as long as the skull, tapering slightly at the end. Overall, the wedge shape. Nasal bridge must be straight, black nose.

Lips should be thin, tightly fitting to the jaws and teeth. Jaw at each other exactly primes and not be faint. The teeth are strong, white. It requires a perfect and complete scissor bite, the upper incisors 6, 6 and the bottom upper teeth closely overlapping down teeth, both of which are fixed in the jaws. Cheeks should be flat, rather than to the sides dented.

Eyes should be reasonably large, sloping, sparkling and oval-shaped, with irises of dark colour without the slightest hint of a lighter colour. Ears should be set high, rather small, thin shape of the letter "V". They are tilted forward, with the fold above the topline of the skull. The inner edges are adjacent to parts above the eyes.

The neck is of medium length, strong but elegant. Towards shoulders it gradually expands and merges them seamlessly. The neck should be slightly arched. The tail should be set high (when viewed from the front seating bumps in the pan), rather thin, and according to the FCI standard docked at the 3rd or 4th tail vertebrae (in countries where this act is the law on protection of animals has been prohibited, with not reduced). The chest should be deep chest when viewed from the side marked when viewed from the front, however, must not be too wide. Ribs are moderately sprung.

Limbs should not be too long or too short - must not disturb the harmonious appearance of the individual. Thoracic have slender, never too heavy (gross) bones, then they have adequately sloping shoulder blade and forearm straight. The hindquarters have long thighs and moderately bent stifles and hocks. Feet should be neat, tight, tight-knit, but completely separated from each other and arched toes with flexible and rigid padded claws, which should be dark coloured, preferably deep black.

Front feet are slightly elongated or i.e. nor cat either hare shape, but shortly oval on back are utterly round, "cat". The movement should be an expression of individual health, light and nimble, fast and manoeuvrable.

The coat is very short, long max 2 mm, soft, dense and smooth. Its colour must always be tricolour with predominantly black-and-white tan head and other parts of the body, eventually with black spots and black or tan spots on the hull. Japanese breeders him pay close attention, often greater than total body composition. Black must be rich (not to be gray and black), tannic red-brown, the colour of seed of Chestnut tree.

Ideally it should be around the muzzle nose tan coloured. Muzzle should be black on the cheeks and above the eyes may be small round spots tan. Lower jaw and the neck should be coloured white and tan, with the tan should form the surface shape of the letter "V". Ears and other parts of the head should be black. On predominantly white body is desirable rotund black character (spot). Sometimes it is all white body sometimes spots on the upper side of the body are large and blend, called saddle, sometimes eyes are encircled by white. There are also individuals uniformly white and individuals with a white head and only black-coloured earlobes, as well as individuals with a white coloured surroundings nose and a narrow strip stretching across the bridge of the nose up to the forehead, where they form a 'bald'.

In Osaka and surrounding there are bred Japanese Terriers with chocolate brown head with white markings. This type of colouring does not fully comply with the requirements of the applicable standard FCI. When the head is really chocolate brown, must be chocolate brown nose, but it does not know the current standard.

According to Japanese breeders are individuals with predominance of black paint on the body side for dog show and breeding purposes. Bounded by two spots on the body is preferred to a pure white colour. Black marks on the body are permissible as well as bigger spots tan. Absence of tan markings on the head is permissible uniformly coloured black head is considered elegant.