Castro laboreironkoira


Castro Laboreiro Dog - Group II - Pinscher, Schnauzer, Mastiff and the Swiss Mountain Dogs, Section 2.2. - Molossoid breeds, Mountain type

General Appearance:

Alert, intelligent and incorruptible dog with a tendency to guard its belongings, as well as things of all family. It does not cause any riots, but it does not like the haughtiness of dominant individuals and it is able to decisively grounded, so it is not good to behave on the same ground two males.

It is able to tolerate the children but should be familiar with what it can and cannot do. Children must avoid certain things - grabbing ears, stinging the eyes and other children's games should be taboo then it can be a good relationship between them.

It is talented as a shepherd. It walks and it requires free movement, without it can become nervous or aggressive. Any movement is good for it - it likes swimming, jogging round when travelling. It is therefore ideal for dog sports like agility or fly ball.


Originally after the typical working herding breed which was used for herding   flocks of sheep and cattle or wolves and other large carnivores but also from pests. So far, so in contra of origin it is often used, but more and more often used as an excellent dog guard. Entrusted territory it is guarding absolutely tirelessly and resolutely. It underlines the proud posture, dignified behaviour and strict, even harsh facial expression discouraging unauthorized entry into the seats assigned to guard. It is supported with its unique vocalizations sometimes regarded as "eerie". It is a sonorous bark, which begins and ends with deep bass elongated high whine.

With all strangers it does not make any friendship, that it can be suspicious, it can behave uniquely hostile, tries to be in direct contact with it. It never seeks unreasonably disputes. Yet it manages to be faithful and obedient companion dog, ideal for monitoring objects. This breed is not for beginners. The improper training, education and guidance could be dangerous.

Its education must be from an early age, although sweet, but totally consistent. Equally essential is a thorough, early, nonviolent and widest socialization. Owner of this breed it may be only one absolutely calm and serene, blessed with natural authority, in addition who can in any situation peacefully through. In no case is suitable for beginners, but even for those who have experience with training common breeds, but are unable or refuse their methods adapted to dog´s character establishment. No trainer would rely on that it "break the dog´´.


It's a powerful mastiff-type dog lighter, very active, briefly rectangular body frame. Height at withers, male is 58 to 64 cm and female is 55 to 61 cm. Weight of body should be in the range of 30-40 kg, males and 25-35 kg, females.

The head should be medium-sized, elongated, straight outlines. It is not too soft or excessively rough, rather dry, but not skinny. The skin on head does form folds and wrinkles. The skull must be relatively large, slightly elongated and moderately broad. When viewed from above is slightly domed, seen from the side, straight, while its topline in the imaginary extension of divergent (divergent) with the muzzle. The frontal slope (stop) must not be too steep and is closer to the tip of the nose than the occipital area.

The muzzle is elongated, straight, strong and toward the nose gradually narrowing. But it must not be pointed at the end. The nose should always be black coloured, large and form a direct continuation of the muzzle. The nostrils are wide open.

Lips should be well formed, neither too fleshy nor completely dry. It is adjacent to the jaw and teeth. The teeth are large, white, deeply rooted in its jaws. Teeth are required to complete a perfect scissor bite, pincer bite is also acceptable. Cheeks are flat (despite massive the muscles protruding sideways).
Eyes are medium size, almond shaped and slanting, set level, neither prominent nor sunken. They are brown in colour, ranging from light brown in paler coats to dark brown it is almost black by the darker coats. The expression is somewhat severe. Eyelids are black.

The earlobes are fairly high set, hanging symmetrically on both sides of the skull. They should be of medium size, moderately thick, almost triangular in shape, slightly rounded at the tops. Surface, close to the cheeks and must be symmetrical.

Neck corresponds to the dimensions of the head size is quite short, straight, moderate strength with a neck without dewlap. Body should have a straight, slightly backward rising topline of the body. The back must be strong, roughly as long as the loin, which are very muscular. Croup is short, broad, well muscled when viewed from the side slightly sloping. The height measured in the level Hipbones is slightly higher than height at withers.
The tail is slightly higher seeded, thick at the root must not be docked. The rest is hanging down, but not downloaded the hindquarters. It should reach the hock.

The forelegs are strong and muscular, viewed from front and side straight, strong bones. Forearms should be straight. Feet correspond to the size of the overall size of the individual and are rather round (cat-like) than oval. They may be neither turned in nor out.

The hindquarters should be strong and muscular and strong bones, back and side vertical to ground. The thighs must be strong and powerfully muscled, which is clearly evident especially from the rear, where they plastically acting muscle. Your knees should be fairly blunt angle. Hocks should be well above the substrate, rather stupidly bent. The hind feet should be the same as the forequarters. The dewclaws may be single or double. Movement is light.

Coat colour is usually sable and it may also be generally brown (the colour of pine nuts) or reddish (mahogany). In essence, it is a dark break on the base colour of various shades of grey, from the lightest over the medium to darkest, which occurs most frequently. Different body parts anneal can be lighter or darker. The darkest usually on the head, shoulders and the back, medium dark on body, croup and thighs, the lightest on the abdomen and lower parts of the limbs. A small white patch on the front of the chest is permissible.