

German Pinscher - Group II - Pinschers and Schnauzers, Molossoid breeds, Swiss Mountain and Cattle Dogs.

General Appearance:

This is a vivid confident dog with balanced character, intelligent and persistent. Although it is nice man´s companion it remains as watchful guard and forceful defender. By ancestors it inherited the natural sharpness, which however, it is used only when it is needed. Its behaviour in different situations it proves that smart, obedient, energetic and cheerful, playful, bubbly (even up to high age), dedicated and loyal owners and members of his family. Literally – it reveals activity. It gets well with children and it can have a lot of patience with them. To strangers it is not very untrusting and its behaviour can be territorial significantly, which is a legacy from its ancestors, whose most important task was guarding.


It is necessary early and appropriately broad socialization. It is willing to learn, it is relatively easy to train, but only under the assumption that education is a kind and consistent. By cleverness and cunning of this breed any owner´s inconsistency is not worth. This breed can never miss anything. It is therefore ideal for owners who already have some previous experience with vivid and temperamental dogs (e.g. with a Pinch or other Terriers) and plenty of patience and understanding. When there is lack of consistency, this breed could be difficult to manage opinionated dog, or even bully. After bad education, training this breed can be aggressive, etc. even it can attack its owner.

German Pinscher cannot be permanently housed in an outdoor pen. Above all, it can suffer in the winter, unless there is heated shed, frostbite (mainly earlobes), but there are also psychological reasons. It is very sociable and needs to be, wherever possible, "its people" otherwise it mentally suffers. Not for people who love peace and bothers them any more excitement or excessive activity in the area.


This is a medium-sized, elegant dog strong as a Standard Schnauzer, proud posture, smooth contour lines and square body frame. The muscular development is due to the short smooth coat adjacent clearly visible, particularly on the move. Height at withers male and female is from 45 to 50 cm, weight of body fluctuates by both sexes from 14 to 20 kg.

The skull has to be a strong, long without markedly protruding occipital part. The forehead is flat. Topline of skull must be viewed from the side in an imaginary extension line of the muzzle. The frontal slope (stop) is gradual but clearly discernible.

Muzzle is at the end of a blunt wedge. The muzzle is level, big nose, always black. Lips are on the edges of black pigmentation and smooth and tight-fitting to the jaws and teeth. Oral corners must be closed. The upper and lower jaws should be strong. A scissor bite is required. Complete dentition consisting of 42 pure white teeth according to the dental formula. Teeth are strong and precisely fit together. Masticatory muscles have to be huge, but the cheeks must not be to the sides dented.

Eyes must be dark, oval, with black pigmented, with eyelids tight to the eyeballs. The earlobes are tilted forward, set high, V-shaped "V" angled forward. The inner edges fit tightly to the cheek. Their parallel folds do not protrude above the top of his head.

Neck is gracefully curved and not too short. Flows into the shoulder must be dry, without dewlap or throat. Topline body should be from withers to rear slightly sloping. Withers are its highest point. The back must be strong, short and solid. The loin is short, strong and powerful. The distance from the last rib to the hip should be short, to the construction of the body was properly compact. Croup is slightly rounded, flowing to merge with the tail. It is naturally long and it is desirable to be carried sickle or curved sickle.

The chest should be reasonably broad, imaginary oval cross-section, so deep, reaching to the elbows. The chest is significant because the top of the sternum protrudes from the side view clearly in front of the shoulder joint. Flanks not too tucked up. The bottom line of the body forms a rising edge of the chest elegant curve towards the rear.

The forelegs are seen from the front strong, straight and their attitude must be narrow. Blade lies close against the ribcage and is on both sides of the ridge well muscled. Elbows close to the body, must not be turned in or out. Forearms are thick, strongly muscled and quite straight when viewed from the front or from the side. Wrists should be strong and solid, reasonably flexible pasterns when viewed from the front vertical to ground when viewed from the side slightly askew. Feet are short and round (i.e. cat) with fingers tightly closed and well arched, fixed padded and short thick black claws.

German Pinscher is a trotter. Its spine has to be hard for locomotion and relatively mild. The movement should be harmonious, sure, powerful, relaxed, with a correspondingly long limbs events. The trot is spacious, free and smooth, with enough forward extending front and the rear legs. They are the source of substantial forward driving force (reflection).

The skin on the entire body fits tightly to the skeletal muscle and skin. The coat is short and dense, smooth, contiguous, shiny without bald patches.
Colour is uniform or black and tan. The uniform may have a shade of red deer, red-brown (light tan) to dark red (dark tan). For black-and-tan colour is the primary colour black with red or reddish-brown (tan) markings, which should preferably be as dark as possible, vibrant and clearly defined. They are above the eyes, throat and chest pasterns, on the feet, on the inside of the hind legs and around the anus.