Shar pei


Shar-Pei - Group II - Pinschers and Schnauzers, Molossoid breeds, Swiss Mountain and Cattle Dogs.

General Appearance:

Its character is a peaceful, independent, loyal dog, affectionate to owners and members of his family, friendly and playful, but also quite confident and dominant. Although it has the best relationship with the owner, you can never expect slavishly obedient. To the unknown persons it behaves basically friendly, but also it is a little suspicious and wary. It is never aggressive. With children, it gets well, but they must not hurt it. It should not be a participant in the games  the youngest children,  children must be more properly instructed, children think it is a  life plush toy with which they can do what they want. To other dogs it may act quite dominant, and therefore we must remember this during walks.


With other pets it gets well, if it had the opportunity to get familiar with them already in its childhood. Early socialization is necessary. The basis for successful education is absolute consistency. Kindly but very consistently it  should be kept longer the smallest puppies, whose delightful "teddy" phenomenon causing many owners feel that they must all be forgiven. But from the little puppy will grow up adult independent dog that can see no reason why it should suddenly start to respect and it tries logically assume greater leadership to the "pack". It must be absolutely avoided, because education should start when new puppy start its life in new family. It suits owners who are calm, decisive, with natural authority, energetic and prudent, who can always act clearly and consistently.


It's a medium-sized agile and compact body, square body frame, the short loin. The unique look give it loose folds of skin on the skull and withers, small ears and muzzle resembling its parameters, especially the width of a hippopotamus. Height at withers is 44-51 cm. Males are larger than females. Height at withers corresponds roughly to the length of the body measured from the front edge of the shoulder to point of buttock in the pan, which is especially true for dogs-male.

The head is in proportion to the size of the body rather large. The distance from tip of nose to the front slope (stop, the junction of the inner eye corners) corresponds to the distance from the stop to the occipital part. Wrinkles on the forehead and cheeks fall down and go into dewlap. Skull above is flat and wide. Stop to be steep.

The muzzle is as wide from the base (under the eyes) to the end, it does not diminish with. Its upper part around the muzzle should be well filled, like the lips. Fold thick leather (bump) at the base of the nose permissible. The nose should be large and wide, preferably black, but it may be any colour matching coat colour. The nostrils should be wide open. Tongue, palatum of the mouth, gums and lips should be blue-black. Pink spotted tongue permissible, but uniformly pink colour is considered highly undesirable. Strong jaws with a perfect scissor bite. 6 upper incisors are closely overlapping down 6 ones, both of which are planted vertically in the jaws. Lower lip must not be so fleshy that affect the bite.

The eyes are dark, almond-shaped and nice expression. Lighter colour is permissible in subjects with light coloured hair. Surrounding loose skin forming wrinkles or hair must never adversely affect the eyes and eyelids. The earlobes are high, large and far apart and substantially forward over eyes set on, very small, rather thick, from forward bases banked, equilateral triangle, slightly rounded at the tops. Close to head and peaks it is pointing to his eyes. Erect ears are highly undesirable.

The neck should be moderately long, strong, tightly embedded into shoulders. Dewlap should not be overly large. Topline body for tap gently sloping and the loin is slightly arched. The back should be short. Strong loin is short, broad, stern should be rather flat.

Tail must be thick at the base and on the imaginary circular cross-section, extends to a fine point. Must be appropriately high, carried upward arcuate, tightly curled or bent over the stern and loin or to one side. Truncated or missing tail is undesirable.

The chest should be wide and deep, reaching to the elbows. The bottom line of the body below the shoulders is rising slightly. The forelegs are straight, moderately long, strong bones. The skin on them does not form wrinkles. Shoulders should be oblique, well muscled, with peaks pointing upwards and backwards. Pasterns when viewed from the side slightly sloping, strong and flexible.

The hindquarters must be muscular, strong, moderately angulated vertical to ground when viewed from behind and parallel to each other. Folds of skin on the thighs, shins and insteps side as well as thickening of the skin on hocks. It should be low over the base. Paws are medium sized, with appropriately arched toes, compact ("closed"). Dewclaws on the hind legs are undesirable. The preferred method of locomotion is the trot. Movement should be free, balanced and vigorous. Action forelegs must be large. They are a source of pelvic vigorously forward pulse (echo).

The hair must be very typical, short, harsh and bristly, straight, upstanding, mostly on the legs but fitting. Undercoat is missing. In addition to white is permitted any single colour. Tail and back of thighs frequently are a lighter colour. A darker shade of coat colour in the middle of the back and on the earlobes is permissible.