

Siberian Husky Group V. - Primitive types, Section 1 - Nordic sledgedogs. Recognized in the 1930's.

General Appearance:

The Siberian Husky is friendly, kind, attentive, honest and good-natured. It is bursting with energy and with exceptional entrepreneurship. Its hunting instinct is very strong. With owners and family members it has a good relationship, but there is always a certain degree of autonomy. It can expect a certain degree of reserve and dignity.


As a typical pulling sled dog, it is not suitable for regular training. The owner must proceed gently, but thoroughly, owner can manage all with calmness, patience and perseverance, and owner must remember the positive stimulation. It can hardly be expected that this breed would be blindly obedient dog.

Definitely it is not vigilant and guard against stranger it s can do no overly suspicious. To the other dogs, it is not aggressive. With pets, however, due to its disposition hunting there are certain problems. With children it gets well. Because the typical pack dog, it is not suitable to breed it individually. It is happier in the company of other individuals.

It is literally "created" from as an agreeable companion and enthusiastic towing a sledge dog. Especially this dog is recommended for sports-minded people. For the motion it is very challenging, only shorter walks it is not suitable for this breed. It may undertake destruction facility if it does not get enough exercise and if it is left alone in the apartment. The greatest pleasure for this dog it is pulling sleds (skijoring), or a special carriage (scootering).

During regular outings it is still better to have dog on a leash. Dog can be free can only in the fenced land. Year-round accommodation it prefers outdoors, winter he did not mind in the least, it likes howling. For dog sports it is necessary to feed dog by energy-dense food high quality.


It is a medium sized, compact body, well proportioned, moderately strong skeleton with a thick coat, raised earlobes and richly feathering tail, fast, with a free and elegant movement. It should never be so hard to resemble dogs used to pull loads, but not so light that resembled Greyhounds. Males are heftier, but not heavy, females tend to be more subtle, but it should not be weak. Height at withers is 53.5 dogs - 60 cm for females and 50.5 - 56 cm. Weight of body is in the range 20.5 - 28 kg for males and 15.5 - 23 kg for females.

The skull is reasonably large, above should be slightly arched towards the eyes when viewed from above narrows. The frontal slope is clearly declining. The muzzle should be moderately long and moderately broad, tapering towards the nose. Muzzle should be from the base of the nose straight, the nose may be black in gray, tan-coloured and black dogs, liver-brown with brown (copper) and mass-coloured (pink) by uniformly white. Colour is bright vertical stripe in the middle, occurring especially in winter, is permissible.

Lips close fitting to the jaws and teeth and have ticked the edge. Desirable is a scissor bite.

The eyes are almond shaped, slightly oblique and stored in eyecups reasonably far apart. The iris may be brown or blue. It is permissible to each eye a different colour and multicoloured. The expression has to be brave, but friendly, interested and on the surrounding events, may even be mischievous.

The earlobes are close together, set high, medium sized, triangular in shape, stiffly erect, densely coated, the back arched slightly, slightly tapered rounded peaks. It’s pointing straight up.

The neck is moderately long, the neck arched proudly erect in position. Topline body should be from withers to croup straight spine is straight and strong, medium length, shoulders are strong and dryly muscled, narrower than the chest, the sides slightly tucked. Croup is steep.

The tail should be set on just below the top line of the body, in the heat of passion is usually carried over her elegantly curved sabre. Not enough to the side and not be attached to the aft surface and shoulders. The rest is usually suspended. It has to be coated like a fox.

The chest should be deep and capacious, ribs near the spine strongly arched downward and flatter. The forelegs are parallel, straight, strong bone. Shoulders are moderately oblique muscles connecting the scapula and shoulder bones of the rib cage must be firm and strong, elbows lying close to the body, the wrist should be strong, but flexible, pasterns are slightly slanted. Feet are oval, of medium size, compact, well furnished in between top and bottom. The pads must be rigid and adequately strong.

Hindlegs must be parallel. Thighs are strong and muscled, your knees should be bent properly, hocks strong, low over the base. Dewclaws must be removed. Typical movement is smooth and seemingly easy, quick and light.

The body coat consists of a top coat and undercoat. The outer coat is moderately long and rich, but never so long as to hide the contour lines of the body. The undercoat must be soft and thick, long enough. It "support" outer coat completely developed, they are straight and rather smoothly adjacent, while shedding undercoat is usually lacking. Adjustment (shortening), tactile (haptic) hairs on the muzzle, the hair on the toes and around the feet, which aims to achieve groomed appearance, it is possible in other parts of the body, however, it deemed undesirable and strictly penalized. Acceptable are all coat colours from black to pure white. Normally the head, there are characters and drawings of different colours, and even those cannot be seen in other breeds.

Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and accurately assessed the degree of expression. The shying defects belong shy or aggressive dogs on the withers height of 60 cm and females over 56 cm. In addition to the listed defects are undesirable, all obvious shortcomings in structure, although the standard is not explicitly mentioned.