

Tyrolean Hound - Group VI. - Scenthounds and related breeds, Section - Medium-sized Scenthounds.

General Appearance:

This breed works in terms of the ideal hunting dog in a wooded and mountainous area. It was used individually to hunt hares and foxes and all wounded game - as a Scenthound -blood of wounded prey tagged track.

It is a passionate hunter with balanced character with a subtle sense of smell it works with extraordinary commitment, focused and totally independently. It has a nice voice that is sharp and its sense of direction is excellent. Hunters appreciate its hard work, endurance, agility, temperament and sharpness to the varmint.


It requires kindly, but consistent training, gentle, but thorough approach during training and early socialization to get accustomed among other things e.g. cats from the neighbourhood and others. We must learn it not to see in small pets only as prey.


This is a medium sized dog with sufficiently strong bones, robust, muscular and sinewy, harmonious and smooth outlines, bursting with health. The format of the body is rectangular. The length of the body is slightly larger than height at withers, male is from 44 to 50 cm and for females from 42 to 48 cm.

The head is broad, dry, slightly above the domed skull. Teeth should be strong, complete dentition is desirable composed of 42 teeth, but the absence of more than two premolars 1 or 2 (P1 or P2) are tolerated and if necessary. Lack of molars 3 (M3) is not taken into account. Required is a scissor bite.

Eyes should not be too deep-set should be large, round, dark brown. Eyelids tightly fitting to the eyeballs- called margins. Third eyelid (nictitating membrane) is pigmented.

Ears should be set high, hanging, wide, rounded on the tops. Gently stretched forward should reach the upper fangs.

The neck is set into the shoulders, not too high or too low, dry adequately in the neck arched, with the neck without dewlap.

The tail should be set high and long, so that it reaches the tip min. to the hock. In action carried high and may be like sickle. It is desirable brushy of thick coat.

The chest should be very deep and moderately wide, with a reasonably acting fore-breast. The forelegs must be straight blades oblique and muscular. The hindquarters are properly bent, legs wide and very muscular.

The coat is medium length, dense undercoat rather coarser than totally fine. Belly must be feathered behind the thighs form a distinct long hair "trousers".

Colouration may be red or black and tan. Both patterns occurs white marks on the neck (called collar), front chest and bottom of the chest, on the legs and elsewhere on the legs. Absence of white markings is not considered a defect.

Faults include emaciated appearance, excessively long or too short legs, thick (too thick) skull, loose lips, called glass (whitish) eyes, ears too short, too long or corkscrew with curving, very long or soft back, shyness.

To negative defects belong to brown nose, overshot or undershot jaw, absence of more than two first and / or second premolars, significantly spotted or liver brown coat colour.