

German Spitz Group V - Spitz and primitive types, Section 4 - European Spitz.

General Appearance:

The German Spitz is the dog at all times vigilant, attentive, lively, cheerful and lively, intelligent dog, very attached to the owner, whom is also strongly fixed. It excels in docility and respecting the principle of consistency after it is easy trained. It must never be timid or aggressive. Its distrust of strangers and lack of hunting instinct makes it an ideal guard of the house and garden as well as in urban apartment, which is of course a risk that may bother by barking sensitive neighbours. Pleasant is its longevity, which surpasses many other Spitz breeds commonly live in appropriate care for fourteen years.


There is still very active, always willing to play, making it ideal friend of children. Especially members of the Small sized type are very cuddly. It gets well with pets. It is an excellent guard, each visit and any unusual events it communicates by loud barking, nothing and anybody can escape. Sometimes it is criticized because of barking, but by systematic education this natural property can be partially muted e.g. by one silent bark. In no case it cannot be asleep at the barking punishing because it is doing only what was the task of generations of its ancestors. In its foundation it needs a lot of movement and opportunities for mental activity. The smallest varieties are, in terms of movement, less demanding than the larger. Both can be best for training agility, flyball and others dog sports complying with their size. It needs more regular outings. They learn to be happy and happy, but the training must be fun, so it is best to choose for dog and not to forget the positive motivation in the form of enthusiastic praise and treats. Thanks its coat is resistant to bad weather, but housed in outdoor kennels can only be individuals of larger size. We cannot forget that in a kennel, Spitz cannot in any case live all its lifetime. As a breed markedly socially established it has a strong attachment to "its" people in need of permanent, or at least frequent and longest contact. There are some differences between two sized types, e.g. The members of the Large sized type tends to be calmer, the slightest impact on the contrary, literally bursting with physical activity and activity in the apartment. For this reason there is not every character equally suitable for everyone.

Size types:

Height at the withers: a) Wolfspitz/Keeshond 49 cm +/- 6 cm, b) Giant Spitz 46 cm +/- 4 cm, c) Medium size Spitz 34 cm +/- 4 cm, d) Miniature Spitz 26 cm +/- 3 cm, e) Toy Spitz/Pomeranian 20 cm +/- 2 cm. Dogs under 18 cm undesirable. Weight: Each variety of German Spitz should have a weight corresponding to its size.

The head is of medium size, wedge tapering towards the nose. The frontal slope should be slightly sloping (for larger absorber) to steep (small hammer). Muzzle not too long, not pointed. The nose is round, small and pure black, with chocolate (liver) brown Dark brown. Lips are tightly fitting to the jaws and teeth. For all shades of colour, their edges are black pigment, only brown. Jaws must be normally shaped, bite requires scissors. The teeth should be complete. For small and Toy Spitz / Pomeranian tolerated small premolars (P). Pincer-bite is permissible in all sizes. The cheeks are gently rounded, the eyes should be of medium size and almond shaped, slightly oblique, dark in colour. The rims are black pigment in brown dark brown. Ears should be small, relatively close to each other, triangular, pointed tops. They are always carried upright, and their tip must be fixed.

Medium length neck is set broadly into the shoulders and neck, slightly arched faucet is high and passes in the shortest possible straight strong back. The loin is short, broad, strong, croup should be broad and short, never be falling away. The tail should be set high, medium length, heavily furred, carried upwards and curled over the croup, shoulders and spine. Right from the root of the upside and tightly attaches to the body. A double loop at its end is acceptable. Coat the tail partially overlaps the upper line of the body and overall well-rounded silhouette.

The chest should be deep and well rounded, with distinct fore-breast. The abdomen is slightly tucked.

The forelegs are straight, wide apart. Shoulders should be well muscled, long and sloping, the elbows should be fixed, adjacent to the chest. The forearms are moderately long, thick, perfectly straight, bushy "feathered" hair on the back sides. Pasterns are required strong, medium length. Feet should be small, round with well-knit, well-arched toes, nails and toe pads are all shades of colour, black, chocolate brown with dark brown. The hindquarters should be well muscled and to hock heavily feathered, straight and parallel. Knees should be strong, slightly bent. Hocks are moderately long, very strong and perpendicular to the substrate. Movement must be rich, smooth, light and pointing forward.

Coat consists of a straight long standoff top coat and short cotton dense undercoat. Head, ears, front and hind legs and feet are covered by short, thick. The rest of the body is covered with long and abundant hair. Coat must not be wavy or curly or shaggy, nor on the back parted. Coat colour is at Wolfspitz called Grey shaded (sable), a large impact may be black, brown or white, in the middle of black, brown, white, orange, grey shaded (sable) or others in a small black, brown, white, orange , grey shaded (sable) or others among the Toys  can be black, brown, white, orange, grey shaded (sable) or others. Another colour means cream, cream-sable, orange-sable, black and tan, and mottled. In black subjects must be dark coloured undercoat and topcoat skin and must be a shining black without white or otherwise coloured badges. For chocolate brown hair should be uniformly dark brown evenly. For white should be pure white without any (especially yellowish) tinge. For orange should be uniformly moderately deep shade of orange. For grey shaded (wolf-gray) and have a silver gray colour with black tips of hair. Pied must have a basic colour white and black, brown, gray or orange patches to be deployed throughout the body. The hair must be regularly cared (brushing, grooming and bathing).

Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and accurately assessed by the degree of expression with regard to the health and welfare of the dog or bitch. To negative defects belong aggression and fearfulness, unmatched fontanelle, overshot or undershot jaw, ectropion or entropion forward drooping earlobes, distinct white patches in all shades of colour except white.