Karkeakarvainen bosnianajokoira


Bosnian broken-haired hound-called Barak - Group VI. - Scenthounds and related breeds, Section 1.2. Medium sized Hounds.

General Appearance:

It is endowed dog with an excellent sense of smell. Moreover, it has to be due to a vigorous nature, intuition and vigilance, good and reliable watchdog, which between other hounds certainly it is not the rule. The ability to watch and guard   it may be a legacy of the Oriental Shepherds, relatives of the Romanian Shepherd. It could also be a nice man´s companion, it gets well with children and it is very dependent on its owner. As a healthy and hardy dog it  was destined for permanent possession in an outdoor kennel, but it is happier, however, if it can live in permanent contact with the owner and its family members.


It is a rugged, medium-sized dog of rectangular body length should be about 10% larger than height at withers. Height at withers, male is 46-56 cm (ideal. 52 cm). Females are slightly smaller. Weight of body is 16-24 kg (ideal. 20 kg).

The head is viewed from above, and moderately broad toward the nose. Its total length measured from the tip of the nose to the occipital part is about 20-25 cm. The skull is viewed from the side, headed slightly arched, pronounced occipital part.

The nose should be large, black or dark reddish-brown colour (for genetic reasons may not be brown, as stated in the standard that considers another place the chocolate brown coat colour for highly undesirable). The nostrils are wide open. The teeth must be powerful and desirable it is full dentition and scissor bite.

The eyes are large, oval shaped, hazel colour, intelligent and playful until a mischievous expression. The earlobes should be suspended, moderately high set, medium long and broad, strong enough, atop thinner and rounded.

Neck when viewed from the side at an angle comes from the occipital regions of the head to the shoulder. Fairly broad is muscular and its depth towards the trunk increases. Skin on it, it is flush with the muscle and dermis, the elastic, covered with dense hair.

The tail should be set in the correct amount, not too low or too high. At the root is strong, towards the tip tapering and reaching to the hocks or a little below them. It is richly coated.

The forelegs have to be perpendicular to the substrate, straight and parallel, both seen from the front and from the side. Feet should be "cat" with appropriately arched toes, hard pads, strong and deep pigmented claws. Hind legs are perpendicular to the substrate and parallel to each other as viewed from the side and from behind.

Skin should be moderately thick, elastic immediately adjacent to the skeletal muscle and skin. They must be ticked and covered with dense hair. The coat is long, hard, bristling, seemed dishevelled, with a thick undercoat.

The basic coat colour can be wheaten yellow, reddish, earthy gray or blackish, white markings are usually on the head, where it forms a "star" on the forehead or "bald", which stretches from the muzzle to the forehead, neck and front of the chest, on the distal parts of the limbs and tail tip, perhaps the combination of two or three colours.

The serious defects include mutual size disproportion of body parts, light bones, weak muscles, head too long or difficult, even bite, lack of pigmentation on edges of eyelids and lips, ears back folded or rising, and only faintly outlined dewlap, uttered or only slightly arched back, chest too wide or too narrow, incorrect or improper position of angulations, "hare" or "open" (stretched) feet, persistent dewclaws.

To negative defects counts aggression or fearfulness, striking disparity between height at withers and length of the body, head atypical or significant gross, de-pigmentation of nose, eye rims and lips, missing teeth, degenerative deformity of the jaws, very bright, or "glass" (whitish) eyes, tail, swerving to one side or the other or twisted, hindquarters when viewed from the rear to the "O" (hocks) or "X" (convergent hocks), coat too long, wavy.