Karkeakarvainen saksanseisoja


German Wirehaired Pointer - Group VII - Pointing Dogs.

General Appearance:

Its character is a calm intelligent dog, reliable for work. It's a nice, quiet, grateful for a little kind of attention. It gets well with children. Hunters usually appreciate its sharpness to varmint, but it is certainly does not mean that it is aggressive.


This dog is friendly and mild-mannered, easy to train and it is trained well. There are no problems when owner can be consistent kindly. Hard or even exaggerated educational and training methods there are not necessary or appropriate.

It has all the potential to be an excellent all-round hunting dog uses in the field and in the woods and in water. It is able to pay a decent job in any weather, on any terrain, even very bushy. Coarse hair it reliably protects against cold and wet, thorns, etc.

It can be all year round in the outdoor pen , its coat can protect the dog  well, if it has a good shed with small hall properly isolated,  but this dog likes to share all with its owner, e.g. at home, during work in wood, during all occasions.


This is a strong dog of medium size, which must never be rude or clumsy. Body structure must be harmonious. In the rest, it carries the head and neck medium-high and tail usually obliquely upward. Male is 60-66 cm, female must be smaller.

The head is reasonably high, never too heavy. The skull should be broad and slightly arched above occipital part must be noticeable, but not too noticeable. The frontal slope (stop) should not be too steep. Muzzle square, must never be short or end pointed. Muzzle should be long, wide, straight, must never be uttered. The nose does not face upwards. It can be dark or light brown, depending on coat colour shade. The nostrils should be wide open. Lips formed in the corners of the mouth visible wrinkles, but may not be pendulous.

Eyes are slightly oval shaped, medium sized, clear. They may never be bulging or sunken. They have a brown tint corresponding to coat colour, never shall be yellow. Eyebrows are strong, curved arch formed by dense hairs pointing upwards, pendulous.

The earlobes should be moderately long and not too broad at the base. On tops should be rounded. They are set high do not interfere too much back flat against the cheeks.

The neck is of medium length, powerful, slightly arched in the neck, with the neck without dewlap to the shoulders significantly wider. The back should be broad and straight. The chest is broad enough from the front and from the side view appropriately deep. Ribs should be properly sprung, must be flat.

The forelegs are oblique blades. Elbows close to the body, must not be turned in or out and correctly angulated. Loose parts forelegs must be straight and very muscular. Paster is not to be seen from the side slanted. Feet should be round, with arched and tight toes, big and strong padded and curved toenails.

The hindquarters are muscular and may be neither little nor too bent. Hocks are moderately bent, fetlocks slightly slanted or perpendicular to the substrate, not too skewed. Loin is required if possible and broader and short. The croup should be slightly elongated and slightly sloping.

The tail is moderately high, moderately long, straight or slightly curved, thick at root, tapering, but in the end should not be too thin, it can be docked.

Hair on the back of a length of about 4 cm, loosely adjacent to the skin and is directed only in one direction - from front to rear or top to bottom. Not to be bristly. It's rough, dull, rough and tough, recalls the bristles of a natural bristle brush. On the shoulders and lower torso is slightly longer, so over the bottom line of the body extends as straight sparse fringing.

Undercoat occurs throughout the body in winter thick summer thin, sometimes barely detectable. At the end of the muzzle form a long hair not too long beard, hair on the nasal bridge is hard and short, the scalp should be short, rough and tight fitting. Nowhere on the head should not be soft, woolly or silky. Eyebrows are distinctive, rich hairs that make them up, they are along the entire length separated from each other and sticking up.

Front forelegs hair is short, hard close-fitting, on the back from elbow to pastern longer and forms a rather small "feathering". From behind the hind legs almost to the hocks is too long and creates a hint of "pants". Between the toes should be short and smooth and does not stick out. The tail is thickly furred, bottom coat tends to be longer, but "brush" does not, the adjacent area, so the bottom line is straight. At the root of the tail hairs are longer, so it looks thick.

The basic coat colour may be lighter or darker streaked with silver or steel grey with large dark brown patches on the trunk or without them. On head, ears or limbs, the coat brown colour. They are often spread throughout the body numerous charming spots.