

South Eastern European Shepherd - Group II. Pinscher & Schnauzer, Molossoids breeds, Swiss, Mountain and Cattle dogs, Section 2 Mountain type Molossoids.

General Appearance:

It is balance, calm, loyal dog owner, excellent guardian of herds, courageous, able to fight if necessary with a bear, wolf or feature. Cattle guards not only in the daytime, but equally consistently well at night, when it moves in its immediate vicinity. Its voice is very strong and deep. Reliably reports together own vigilance as the presence of the beast, and of every foreigner in the vicinity of the flock. Thereby it is giving intruders note that entry is prohibited.

Character is a proud, self-confident, determination and leadership.  It is ideal for owners who already have some previous experience with training   of Dogue origin.


Its education must be hospitable, but absolutely fierce consistency. It is necessary to start now with it at an early age. Equally essential is the widest early socialization. It is more used in country.

Like other related breeds it could be assisted in various European countries from the protection of large carnivores. Possible used by owner when the   carnivores jeopardized their property, when they cause damage to sheep. Herd protected by their numbers of dogs or more dogs would be against such attacks and reliably secured, which would allow the existence of large predators, e.g. wolves. That would be positively reflected on the status and health condition of roe deer and wild boar. It would be enough to qualify for owner cattle for damages from the state was subject to possession of powerful sheepdogs in the number corresponding to the amount of reared specimens.


This is a large breed with a strong sexual dimorphism - males are at first look easily different from females, they are clearly bigger. Size of body is rectangular and length of the body should be slightly larger than height at withers. Male is 68 to 78 (ideal. 71-75) cm and in females from 64 to 72 (ideal. 66-68) cm tolerance of -4 cm. Weight of body is equal to height at withers.

The head is massive, but not coarse, carried slightly above the topline of the body. The skull must be the same length as the muzzle. Above is slightly arched and moderately broad. Arched  is apparent when viewed from the front, seen from the side it appears to be almost flat skull above and the top line is the imaginary extension of the diverging lines of the muzzle. The jaws are very strong and nose is large, distinctive black coloured.

Lips may be thick, but close fitting to the jaws and teeth, should not be free or even baggy. On the edges are ticked. Teeth are required to complete, the teeth must be strong, white, healthy, deeply rooted in its jaws. Desirable is scissor bite, pincer, too. Cheeks should not be dented, not too stand to the side.

Eyes are in proportion to the size of the head of a small, almond-shaped, obliquely, colour brown or slightly lighter, but not yellow. The eyelid rims should be ticked. The earlobes should be rather high, "V" at the tops of rounded, hanging. It is fitting to the cheek. They must never be cropped.

The neck is of medium length, powerful, without dewlap. The body must be strong, powerful. Topline body is horizontal, the tap should be only slightly indicated, back firm and muscular. Loins are strong, well-muscled as croup, which slopes gently down towards the base of the tail. The tail should be set high. At rest is carried hanging and reaching to the hocks or below. For motion or alertness is supported above the level of the top line of the body, or slightly above it. At the end is curled slightly upward. It should never even be rewound over the stern and loins, not docked.

The chest should be wide and deep, so that it reaches min. the elbows. It consists of properly sprung ribs. The bottom line of body towards the flanks is rising slightly. Limbs must be viewed from the side, front or back straight. Neck is long, oblique and close to chest fitting blades. The shoulder bones are moderately long and well muscled. Elbows close to the body, but are freely movable. Wrist must be strong, pasterns   are short, and when viewed from the side slightly askew. Feet should be oval in shape, called closed, massive, with well-arched toes and black or dark ashy gray claws.

The hindquarters have moderately long, wide and very muscular thighs. Lower tights are adequately long and muscled. Hocks be huge when viewed from the side properly bent. Seen from behind, nor the convergent or divergent must be directed straight backwards. The hocks are strong and straight, paws same as the forequarters. Dewclaws are acceptable

Movement should be harmonious, flexible, perfectly coordinated, giving the impression of extraordinary power. Preference is given to show hits in stride. Crossing limbs motion shall be penalized.

Main colour of coat is a clear white or white-beige with distinct patches of grey, black or black with red-fawn reflections. Black or grey ticks can appear on the legs. Brindle aspect of patches must be rejected. Solid colours:  Solid coloured subjects (without patches) are accepted but not encouraged: white, white-beige, ashen-grey or black. Hair is short on head, front part of body, legs abundant, on body 6-9 cm.

Skin has to be strong, just adjacent to the skeletal muscle and subcutaneous tissue, dark gray ashen colour. Head and front legs covered short hair. On the body the hair is long, long 6-9 cm, rich adjacent area, straight, hard. The undercoat must be short, extremely dense and soft, lighter colour than the outer coat. On the neck hair is longer and forms mane. On the rear side of the forequarters, the long hair, "feathering" on the back of the thigh "pants". The tail should be profusely coated.

Faults from the requirements of the standard are considered as defects and shall be treated strictly according to the degree of seriousness with regard to health and well-being.