Karkeakarvainen kettuterrieri


Fox Terrier Wire Group III - Terriers, Section 1 - Large and Medium sized Terriers.

General Appearance:

Its character is friendly, helpful, absolutely fearless, cheerful, extrovert like all Terriers, optimistic, inquisitive, but also tough and confident at all times. It excels in intelligence, cunning. If you want to learn it what you ask for it, it is difficult enough to persuade it to do. It is also extremely playful, ideal companion of children in the games, even though they are a bit wilder. It's very generous.

In a need, if it has enough toys so it can play alone (e.g. with ball), which is necessary to allow it to avoid boredom. It likes digging in the garden "burrow", for that it is not suitable breed for lovers of gardening, unless example-limited fence where the counts permitted.


If it does not want to obey, makes it clear that "absolutely does not know and does not understand what's going on." Any intervention or even harder force is not an option would harden. Equally difficult is it to avert a mere prohibition from what is firmly decided to do. Although it obeys a well behaved dog but it will certainly sooner or later in an unpredictable moment to try again. Therefore, it is suitable only for owners of quiet, patient and consistent enough, which suits its relentless ubiquity immense agility and cunning. It is suitable for some people slightly choleric foundation (if you are aware).  You should always have enough understanding.

With cats and others small pets it is tolerated, with if they had the opportunity to fully acquainted at an early age under the appropriately broad socialization.


This breed is attractive and very active dog appropriately strong bones, which must never be rude or cumbersome. Construction of the body must be perfectly balanced, which is reflected eg. the ratio between the skull and the muzzle -height at withers does not exceed 39 cm male, females are slightly smaller. Perfect weight of body in show condition amounts to 8.25 kg in dogs, bitches slightly less. The attitude reminds the overall appearance of a miniature horse back short intended for hunting use, engaging the "occupied soil".

The head has a nearly flat above the skull which gradually slopes when viewed from above and also tapers slightly towards the eyes. Facial also gradually tapering from eye to muzzle and slightly sloping site in front of inclination (stop). Under the eyes must be neither sunken nor sloping, but filled and well made. Full and laterally protruding cheeks are undesirable. Stop should be gradual.

Muzzle should be as long as the skull, a maximum can be a little bit shorter. If it was considerably shorter, it would look head generally weak and seemed "unfinished". Nose must be black. Jaws strong, with perfect, regular and complete scissor bite (with six incisors above and six below). The uppers while incisors closely overlapping down ones and both are set to jaws. Excessive bony (gross) of jaws are undesirable and unsightly as well as over-developed muscles controlling the lower jaw (sideways bulging cheeks).

Eyes should be dark, sparkling, intelligent perspective, reasonably small, not bulging, as far as the roundest in eyecups stored nor very far apart or too close together. Do not be too close to the earlobes. Light coloured eyes highly undesirable. Ears must be small "V" moderate thickness, forward tilted so that the inner rim tightly fitting to the cheeks. Wrinkles are to be clearly above the topline skull. Earlobes erect called-tulip or folded back are highly undesirable.

The neck should be clean, muscular, moderately long, without dewlap at the throat. Towards shoulders expands and forms a neck line when viewed from the graceful curve. Back short, straight and solid, without the slightest hint of weakness. Loin muscular, slightly arched, very short and tight ( "bound").

The tail should be high set, carried upward, but not flipped over the croup and loin or curled usually is short (with the exception of countries where the act is the law on animal protection is disabled) and must be reasonably strong and long. Undocked should also have adequate strength and length to balance the individual overall.

Chest requires deep, not broad. The first ribs are slightly arched, the back long and supple. The forelegs must be viewed from either side straight, strong in bone from the elbows to the toes. Shoulders when viewed from the front of the withers steeply sloped gently down to the one outlined shoulder joint. Shoulders should be viewed from the long, slanting, so that their tops upwards and backwards. Withers must be always clearly marked. Elbows close to the body and can move freely, even while in motion must be turning in or out.

The hindquarters should be strong and muscular and must never even never declined, nor be bent. Thighs should be long and strong. Appropriately bent knees must be neither turning in nor out. Short lower leg - along with poorly bent stifles are highly undesirable. Hocks shall be low over the base insteps and vertical when viewed from behind parallel to each other.

Feet are round, compact with small, tough and full of deep pads and adequately arched toes. They should be turning neither in nor out.

For movements tend chest and hind legs and knees are straight forward and parallel. Significant source of motive power forward (reflection) are flexible hind legs.

The top coat should be thick, wiry significant, long 2 cm over the shoulders and up to 4 cm at the withers, back, hips and legs. The undercoat is short and soft. On the back and legs, hair is harsher than on the sides of the fuselage. On the muzzle the hair is curly and long enough to highlight its strength. On the legs should be thick and curly. The colouring can be white-black, white-black and tan, white and tan, with white always prevails. Brindle, red, liver brown or slate-blue markings are undesirable.