

FCI recognized breeds.

General Appearance:

This is a hunting dog used mainly for work in the den. Outside the hunting area it is much calmer and more manageable than some other Terriers use to go to underground. To own family it behaves with boundless love, dog loves children. It is not aggressive and it does not seek conflicts with other dogs. It has to be peaceful for people, livestock and dogs. To unknown persons it is usually friendly, but sometimes it can be quite reserved, but this is a matter of socialization and education. It's a dog docile, easy and willing to meet the owners. It also usually well guarded, identify unknown incoming barking, but definitely not too noisy.


It is not a breed for everyone it needs an experienced owner, endowed with natural authority, which can promote non-violent, with understanding for its rough Terrier´s temperament, tolerant. Breed is suitable for beginners. By wisely approach and rigor there are in education no larger problems.

It can be all year round in the outdoor kennel, but not all its lifetime, because it necessarily needs frequent contact with the owner and his family members. It is a great and tireless retriever and it is also suitable for competitions in agility, flyball, but also coursing. It needs plenty of exercise and opportunities for mental activities, so it is for it a regular sports training, especially not apply if hunting is a necessary part of life.


It is sturdy, tough Terrier nimble small adjoining compact and balanced body. Its chest must therefore have such a circuit to give a hug just behind the elbows average large hands, with their thumbs and middle fingers must be touching. Because it is designed to direct clashes with foxes and badgers, it has a very strong neck, powerful jaws and teeth. Must be nimble and hardy, courageous, able to bite into the enemy or drive it out of the burrow.

Scars torn that it got during fighting in underground there are not at dog show a reason for disqualification. Body frame is rectangular shortly. Height at withers is 25.5 - 38 cm. Weight of body must correspond to the height at the withers. At dog show must always be presented in perfect working condition, without excessive amounts of fat.

The head should be strong and big, the size of the corresponding body size. When viewed from a wedge-shaped or trapezoid. The skull is as long as the muzzle or be slightly longer. Muzzle including the lower jaw must be very strong, should never be pointed or too weak.

Teeth should be comprehensive, strong, white teeth are desirable, but scissor or pincer bite. Teeth broken or missing teeth due to an accident during work are torn warrant penalties. The nose should be black with the exception of liver brown, they can have nose and red (non-pigmented).

Eyes should be kept far enough apart so it is straight forward. Because it is a bank vole may not be prominent. Their colour must match the coat colour, but they should never be blue.

The earlobes are triangular, small to medium-sized, forward-banked. The inner edges fit tightly to the cheeks. Their peaks reach to the outer corners of the eye.

The neck is clean, muscular, of moderate length. From head toward the shoulders, gradually expanding and continuously passes into them.

The body must be stout spine should be reasonably long and straight and moves into muscular loins that are slightly arched. Chest is strong, but flexible, so deep that it reaches to the elbows. Moderately broad, on an imaginary cross-section oval, called - spanning, it  is an important part of the assessment, it was determined circumference and chest elasticity.

The front legs are strong, straight, strong bones. Shoulders should be long, slanting, so their peaks upwards and backwards. Elbows close to the chest, but are freely movable. Pasterns should be strong and flexible.

The hindquarters must be strong and muscular. Bone strength, angulations and muscles are forming forelegs. Knees should be reasonably bent, hocks low to the substrate. The hocks are short and strong and zootechnical stance when viewed from the side, vertical to ground, when viewed from behind should be parallel to each other.

The tail should be high, thick and not too thick or flipped over the stern and shoulders. Can be naturally long or docked may be reduced by 1/4 or 1/3 of the original length.

The coat can be either short or rough. For both types there is missing hair short and dense undercoat. Mild grooming is acceptable to maintain good health. It is essentially a thorough trimming, occasional fur trimming knife, timely remove undercoat and dying so overripe topcoat. The short coat is rough, thick and solid, must not be even a little wavy. Coarse guard hair coat is longer than the short coat, to be tough, wiry and may be wavy. They can form, but need not, beard, sideburns and eyebrows. Correct coat protects individuals against water and thorns. Individuals with damaged hairs to be penalized for scars torn off at work, as can be assessed in the overall texture of hair.

Coat colour can be black, red, liver-coloured called. Grizzly, black and tan, uniform or with white markings on the chest and front paws.