

East Siberian Laika -Group V. - Spitz and primitive types, Section 2 - Nordic hunting dogs.

General Appearance:

Character is a lively and well-balanced dog. Easy to learn and it cannot be only a powerful hunting dog, but simultaneously also nice and very calm companion for humans. Although this breed is bred as a social breed, it loses nothing of its hunting abilities. It is very diligent, but it must reckon with some autonomy, as when hunting it must also decide according to its own judgment. Thanks to the perfect sense of smell it is able to be use as Scenthounds, for tracking wounded deer by a hunter. Also, as mostly hunting dog is not quite usual, it is a good guard and defensive. It is a consequence of versatility typical of all developmentally ancient (primitive) breeds.


It needs a warm, perfectly consistent leadership, but it hates harsh treatment. Thus, you can probably betray and ruin a dog. Its education and training does not usually run with more problems, because it is by nature docile and controllable. Even a complete beginner may have trouble with its upbringing, if owner committed any serious errors.

Compatible if it was in early youth properly socialized with other dogs and is very friendly to children. It requires plenty of exercise, short walks. It excels extraordinary by flexibility.  It easily adapts unlike some other Nordic breeds this breed can live in flat.


This is a medium-sized dog reasonably strong and compact body and skeleton with a well developed musculature dry, rectangular body frame. Height at withers male is 57-64 cm and 53-60 cm, female. Sexual dimorphism must be distinct and secondary sexual characteristics must be strongly developed. By males the skeleton is clearly larger than by females.

The head is strong in proportion to the total size of rather large, to be wedge-shaped and when viewed from above has roughly the shape of an isosceles triangle. The skull is relatively wide, especially by males, and should be slightly longer than wide. Browridges are only implied, occipital area is prominent. The frontal slope must be adequately sloped. The muzzle is slightly shorter than the skull. Nose must be black, white and fawn in colour when it is permissible nose brownish colour.

Lips adjacent to the jaw and teeth and should not be loose. The teeth are white, big, strong, evenly spaced jaws. A full set of teeth and scissor bite is required. The zygomatic arches are curved, but not excessively so.

Eyes should be medium-sized, oval shaped, slanted, cannot be sunken or protruding. Their expression is true and friendly. The irises are dark brown colour or any shade of brown coat colour matching. Ears must be pricked and mobile, "V" on the tops pointed or slightly rounded. They are wide at the base. The outer edge of the base should be level with the outer eye corners. Duplications at their outer edges are inconspicuous. From the inside must be heavily coated.

The neck is muscular, dry, on the imaginary cross-section round or slightly oval. Body topline is slightly sloping from withers away to stern. Withers must be clearly visible, stands out particularly by males above the upper line of the body about 1-2 cm. The back should be straight, strong, muscular and fairly broad. Loins are required short, medium width, well muscled and slightly arched. Croup is broad, the appropriate length, slightly sloping.

The tail should be carried up, sickle curved so that it does not touch the rear or upper thigh, however, may be almost touching the rear. If it is drawn down, reaching the hock or may be about 1 to 2 cm shorter.

The chest should be deep so that reaching the elbow or 1-2 cm below them. It is wide and long, on the imaginary cross-sectional oval shape. Abdomen should be tucked up and the bottom line of the body from the chest rises slightly backwards.

The front legs are lean, muscular, straight and parallel. Shoulders are long, muscled and moderately oblique. Shoulder bones must be long, oblique and muscular. Elbows are close to the chest. Forearms are required equals, dryly muscled, parallel to each other and appropriately spaced from one another. Pasterns should not be excessively long and slightly angled. Feet can be round to slightly oval in shape with nicely arched and tight toes.

The hindquarters are muscular and clearly in all the major joints (hip, knee and ankle) angulations. They are straight and parallel to each other. Femur should have the proper length and are slightly skewed. Tibia should be elongated, sloping. The movement should be free.

The body coat consists of a top coat and undercoat. The outer coat consists of straight and coarse guard hairs. Undercoat is a rich, soft, thick, woolly. The head and earlobes hair must be short, thick and shiny. The neck and shoulders should be longer than elsewhere on the body and form a "collar", which is noticeable especially by males. On the cheeks is also longer hair forming the "whiskers". Legs are on the front pages covered with short, thick and dense hair. In the inter-digitals rooms there is short paws brushy coat that protects paws before eventually injuries. The tail is richly coated, covered straight and coarse hair, which is on the bottom a little longer without creating undesirable "flag" or "fringing".

For typical coat colour is considered to be black and tan, black or white uniform, black-and-white or white with coloured spots (spotted). Light dots in shades of primary colours on the legs are permissible.

All faults from the requirements of the standard are considered as defects, which must be evaluated strictly according to the degree of expression with regard to health, well-being and an individual's ability to perform the work for which the breed is traditionally used.

To negative defects counts aggression or fearfulness, physical abnormalities and behavioural incorrect bite, jaw not engaged by each other, the absence of four or more teeth, including premolars from P1, P2 and molars 3 (M3), supernumerary teeth, eyes "glassy" (whitish) or mottled iris, earlobes hanging or drooping forward, bobtail, too short or excessively long coat, missing undercoat hair coloured chocolate (liver), brown, blue or brindle, albinism.