Welsh corgi cardigan


Welsh Corgi Cardigan- Group I. - Sheepdogs and Cattle Dogs, Section 1 – Sheepdogs.

General Appearance:

It's a calm, intelligent and obedient dog, always ready to please its owner, whom it loves and who is totally dedicated. Dog has the best feeling in the company of the owner and owner´s family members. It is outstanding toughness and courage.


In essence it is friendly just from strangers distant. It never shows the signs of aggression or fear. It is well tolerated with other animals, especially if it has been properly socialized. It does not have a conflict with other dogs, but it can be very combative, if it is attacked or subjected to any undue or unexpected behaviour of another dog. It is an attentive watcher, so it is barking enough. It also gives other dogs the note that there is a "master" itself.

During the walks it does not need a leash it does not tend to move away. Some individuals, however, they  have a tendency the group of people strolling or  keep it together - people who move away or lagging, repulsing back by tweaking  into heel (for such conduct it cannot be punished dog  it is deeply encoded). However, rigorous education from an early age it can be largely controlled.

For this breed is not suitable stay all its life in outdoor kennel. Despite the short limb it needs plenty of exercise there are needed regular and hearty walks. Because it is also suitably bubbly, it needs some work. It is perfectly suited for agility training, where it is very satisfied.


It is a robust, lively and agile dog, although short leggy, it is moving very well.  It has a long rectangular body. Height at wither is ideally 30 cm, weight should be related.

Foxy head, the skull is wide, above the earlobes flat to the eyes, slightly arched. The frontal slope is moderately sloping. The muzzle to the nose slightly narrowed. The nose is black and slightly protrudes forward.

The lower jaw is cleanly chiselled and strong but not rude. The teeth are large, scissor bite is required. They must be placed in the jaws.

Eyes are medium sized, fairly wide apart stored in an orbit clear, calm, lively, but watchful expression. Eyelids are pigmented black edges. Preferably dark iris colour, eye colour but can also match to the colour of the coat. Only in individuals blue merle colour is permissible light blue, blue or blue mottled colour of one or both eyes.

Ears are erected, relative to the size of the individual rather large. The tops are slightly rounded, moderately wide at the base. Their peaks are quite far apart.

The neck should be muscular, solid, robustness corresponds anatomy, flows into the shoulders. Topline of body straight trunk must be adequately long and hard.

Tail resembles a fox, it is set at the upper line of the body, long enough so that when carried hanging a touch or almost touch the ground. Down is carried hanging at rest in motion rises above even slightly above the top line of the body, but must never be twisted arch over the loin and croup.

Chest deep, formed properly sprung ribs, chest should be broad. The forelegs are strong, muscular, properly angulated. Elbows must be fitted to the body. Limbs must be short, but the lower edge of the chest must be clearly above the ground between that and the ground should always be free space. Forearms are slightly accurate along the chest, paws slightly curving.

The hindquarters should be generally short, powerful and well angulated. Their bones must be separated from the thigh to the feet thick. Powerfully muscled thighs are like tibia, tarsus should be parallel and vertical to ground. Feet should be round, perfectly sealed (with tightly closed toes), fairly large, thickly padded. Movement should be free, lively and hearty.

Short hairs (e.g. on the head, including the earlobes) are of medium in length (e.g. on the body and tail) by touch hard, waterproof, if possible, straight. The undercoat must be rich. All colours, with white markings and without them, are permitted. White colour cannot predominate.

Faults from the standard requirements are assessed as defects and assess accurately the degree of expression with regard to their impact on health and well-being.