Scottish fold

Scottish Fold, Lop eared Cat
FIFe abbreviation:
Place of Origin:
A natural breed
Breed type:
Shorthaired to semi-longhaired cat
Body Type:
2.5 - 6 kg
Colour varieties:
All natural variety

History: In 1961 Scotland there was appeared in a litter of House Cats a white kitten with lowered ears. The boy was given the name Snowball, and because of his lowered ears, the breeders quickly were interested in it. With the help of House Cats and British Shorthair Cats, the mutation was standardized into the new Scottish Fold breed.

The gene that causes lop eared it is inherited dominantly. Except the loped ears, it can lead to deviations in cartilage or other body parts. This is especially the case if the two lop eared individuals have their ears loped. That's why the breed was not recognized, and why Scottish Cats lop eared were never crossed again.

Nature: Scottish Fold Cats are great hunters, and therefore welcome if they have access outside. This breed like their owner so much and they try to occupy only for themselves. They love cuddling. They get well with other cats, dogs and children. Cats of this breed are playful and smart.

Body: This is a medium-sized cat. Rounded body, it stands on short to medium legs. The fingers are round, the tail is medium to long. The round head is located on a relatively short neck. A strongly developed jaw is more developed in cats than cats. Large round eyes are set far apart. The profile of a fairly short nose shows a slight stop. The ears are tilted forward and downward. Preference is given to smaller and narrower ears. The tips of the ears are round.

Coat: The short or semi-long coat of Scottish Cats is double, very dense and protruding. By touch is soft and soft.

Care: The Scottish cat's coat we can brush sometimes. However, do not use a too fine crest comb that could damage the undercoat. During the moulting period, you can remove dead hair with a rubber glove Ears, although folded forward, do not need any special care. It is enough to clean them occasionally. The sharp ends of the claws should be regularly .cut

Colour varieties: A Scottish Cat can be recognised in all natural colours. The colour of the eyes matches the colour of the coat.